What is the Tip Jar?
Have you ever stopped paying attention?
Maybe you catch yourself driving down the freeway and lost track of where you are. Maybe you’re chatting with a friend and realize you didn’t hear anything they just said. Maybe you feel sad and have no idea why. Maybe it was just for a second, or a few minutes… but what if it was more?
Have you ever gotten so caught up in life that you lose track of what makes you YOU? Somewhere along the lines, I stopped paying attention. I stopped taking the time to feel, to understand, to think, to evaluate - and to pay attention to myself.
“Slow down and enjoy life. It’s not only the scenery you miss by going too fast - you also miss the sense of where you are going and why.”
The tip jar is about starting to pay attention again. Recognizing the positive in order to fill myself up with more of the good stuff.
Each week I will take the time to write about one thing that has sparked my interest and share it with you here. The idea is to bring attention to the things in my life that bring me inspiration, motivation and most of all, happiness.
By making an effort to pay attention to the things that are having a positive impact in my life… I hope I can encourage you to take a minute and do the same.
I expect future topics to look like this:
A podcast I am really loving right now
A book I read and loved
A place I visited and loved
A new recipe I tried
A quote I am pondering
An artist or person who brought me inspiration
New music I discovered and can’t stop listening to
A product or service that I am addicted to
A local business or shop I found
An inspiring blog or article I read
A favorite hike, campground, restaurant or thing to do